Music is a Powerful Healing Tool for the Body, Mind and Spirit

Posted on Apr 25, 2013 in All Blogs, Death is Not the Only Cause of Grief, Moving Forward, Overcoming Grief | 0 comments

Stress Negatively Affects Your Total Being

Stress and grief have a way of exhausting the body, mind and spirit, especially after dealing with prolonged anguish. At times you may feel your entire being is completely spent from warding off the pain of life and fighting the surrounding negativity. In those times, it seems impossible to do anything constructive to give you an edge up on the perceived war, or at least regain your footing in the battle. Maybe you’re just tired of the daily struggle and your soul cries out for a cease-fire so you can tend to your battle wounds.


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Using Music to Heal and Renew

Music can be that temporary reprieve you’re looking for, that desired escape from reality and the stress it holds. More importantly, it can be used as a way of dealing with your grief and even helping you face it head on. In times of confusion, exhaustion or grief, it’s good to let song and melody take over while you momentarily rest. The pleasing sounds can be comforting and healing to the body and soul, especially in a time of pain; stress can be lifted from your mind while muscles relax and vital signs ease toward normalcy.  It can also be used as a way to vent your feelings and emotions that may otherwise be difficult to release. Music is now widely used for therapeutic purposes in clinical settings and prescribed as a healing tool. Go ahead, take advantage of its natural healing properties and utilize this melodic remedy for renewal at almost anytime, any place at no cost.


Nurture Yourself Through Music

Let you’re appreciation, discovery and joy of any and all music consume you completely for a rejuvenation of strength. Use the under tapped power of music to help heal your entire being from the inside out. There are different approaches you can take to experience your own musical therapy.

  • Get in a quiet place to listen to your favorite music. Be still, close your eyes and completely absorb what you hear. Don’t think of anything with your mind; just feel the music with your heart. Listen to the rhythm, keep the beat, be aware of the melody and become a part of the song.
  • Put on another style of music you’ve never listened to, whether it’s rap, big band or even what your kids or parents enjoy. Open your mind to appreciate music you’ve never explored before.
  • Relax and take a slow deep breath; let the sounds of soft music surround you like a warm blanket and comfort you.
  • Try a different rhythm, one with a strong beat. Feel the power and joy of hard, pounding music as it strengthens you and replaces the stress or sorrow in your heart.
  • Find a song that expresses what you are unable to say, empathize with the words and emotions then try to release your own. Maybe you can identify with a song of sadness, loss, anger, or one of courage and rebuilding. Listening to worship songs help me when I’m too confused or hurt to tell God exactly how I feel.
  • Perhaps you are gifted in music and would like to lose yourself in the energy of the song you choose to sing or play on an instrument. (You could try this even if you’re not musically talented!)
  • Explore your own ideas on how the power of music can be used to restore your strength, motivation, energy and determination to connect back into your life with renewed joy.


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Nurture your body, mind and spirit.

Rx: Apply the soothing or cathartic melodious balm to distressed and aching soul as needed. May repeat as often as desired without any fear of overdose or harmful side effects.



“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Berthold Auerbach


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