Dealing With Fear After Loss
Fear is a Normal Reaction After the initial response to loss, fear can arise as a normal reaction. Some form of fear usually manifests as a result from tragedy, loss or death of a loved one. Fear can present itself in a variety of ways. You may be afraid of the dark, being left alone, being around new people or getting hurt. You may be afraid of death and dying. You may even develop fears you never had before. Sometimes people may experience a generalized fear where they’re not exactly sure what they are afraid of. You may find yourself holding on tighter to possessions and/or people...
Read MorePrayer During Grief (or Anytime)
Guidance and Support I am not religious. However, I am spiritual and I am a Christ follower. I look to God for supernatural strength when my own is inadequate. I talk to God a lot on any given day about an array of subjects and I talk to Him even more on bad days. Prayer during my grief was essential to me. Prayer is just time spent talking to God. Whenever you pray, you can discuss whatever you wish with Him. Sometimes I praise Him and thank Him for all my blessings. Sometimes I seek answers or guidance. Sometimes I whine and complain. Sometimes I’m angry and confused about the things...
Read MoreForgiveness is Essential in Grief
Lighten Your Load
Forgiveness is crucial on your grief journey, without it, it’s difficult to move forward. Unforgiveness is a destructive emotion so holding onto it may only make your heart feel worse. Unforgiveness carries a trunk full of heaviness that can weigh you down and delay your recovery. The burden of unforgiveness is too heavy for anyone to drag along in the grief journey. Lighten your load; open the trunk and deal with the mess of emotions inside.
Read MoreDealing With Anger in the Grief Process
Angry Moments Can Arise Often times when we are hurt, offended, or lose something or someone we love, we become angry. During the grief journey there may be times when anger rises within you without warning. Many times it’s a reaction that just appears, usually uninvited and unwelcome. Perhaps your anger is specifically directed at someone. You may feel mad at the person who died, or with someone who caused your loss like the drunk driver, an abuser, or the one who stole from you. People, even family and friends, can do or say the wrong things that make you angry. There may be no particular...
Read MoreBe Open and Honest When Dealing with Grief of Any Kind
The Silent Struggle I tend to internally struggle with things that hurt me to the point that it begins to overwhelm my mind and affect my body. Sometimes my regrets, offenses, and grief take the forefront of my thoughts and swallow all that’s good in my life. I must realize that it is me that allows the negative to occupy so much space. I am the only one that can give permission for these destructive feelings to stay. My mind is aware of that, but there are times it’s difficult to convince my heart. Sometimes I’m just so hurt and angry I don’t know what to do about it. When I get this...
Read MoreGrieving a Loss Can Leave a Hole in Your Heart
A Vacant Heart After you lose someone or something you love, there is usually an emptiness you feel inside. You may think the empty space will never be filled; you may feel as if there is a hole in your heart that will remain forever. The death of a loved one, the loss of a pet, or the loss of a relationship can leave your heart aching as you grieve for who and what you’ve lost. A portion of your life was occupied by that relationship and when it’s gone, there is a void left not only in your heart but in your life also. Time was spent in the relationship; you did things together while...
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