Lighten Your Load
Difficult Task I talked about “stuff” in my last post and how too much of it can be overwhelming. I believe most of us have an excess of unnecessary belongings that tend to rob us of precious time and energy. Hopefully, you have made an attempt to release yourself from all the unwanted physical and emotional “stuff” that weighs you down. Maybe you did try to “lighten your load” and then became stuck. It can be a tremendous task to sort and get rid of our belongings and the belongings of others. It’s even more difficult if we are going through the things of a person who has died...
Read MoreToo Much “Stuff” Can Cause More Grief
Clutter All Around I’ve spent all summer going through “stuff” at my house, my mom’s house and even my grown kids’ houses and I’m physically exhausted! I’m mentally exhausted even more! “Stuff” has become a dirty word for me. Stuff is anything that is not a necessity, and that’s even ambiguous. It’s the excessive accumulation of belongings, home décor, previous gifts, keepsakes, and many unknown and unidentifiable objects. I believe we all have too much of this stuff and it can overwhelm our homes, closets, kitchen drawers, garages, offices, yards and our entire...
Read More“Letting Go” is Essential in Grief Recovery
Get Rid of Unwanted Baggage Sometimes when we are grieving, we have to let go of the things that weigh us down. It’s hard to effectively move forward from any kind of loss when we’re dragging around unnecessary baggage. “Letting go” is essential in grief recovery, in any recovery! “Letting go” doesn’t mean you forget your past, it doesn’t mean you are to release the love and happy memories of your special person or what you’ve lost. You will always have the memories that give you joy. Your relationships, memories, or love of that special person will always be a part of you....
Read MoreGrief of Caregivers
Caregiving on the Rise The number of caregivers in the United States is substantially growing each year. According to the American Academy of Geriatric Psychiatrists, one out of every four American families cares for someone over the age of 50; and this number is only expected to rise. These caregivers are an exceptional group of people that sacrifice their time, energy and freedom to care for a loved one. However, this sacrifice is not without consequence. Caregiving is an honorable position however; it can be taxing on the physical and emotional health of the caregiver. Many caregivers feel...
Read MoreTake Control When Overwhelmed
Little Things Add Up Overwhelmed. That’s a powerful word and a terrible place to be. It means to overpower or overcome; then again if you are currently overwhelmed, you know exactly what it means. When overpowered by situations and/or people, you feel oppressed and lose your sense of control. Major issues, trauma, and the death of a loved one can leave us feeling overwhelmed; but what about the heaps of everyday trials, disappointments and pains that compound into oppression? Sometimes the smaller things in life can pile up and eventually begin to suffocate the life force from our exhausted...
Read MoreEaster Can Bring Renewal to Grievers
A “New” Time Easter represents a time of rebirth and newness. This holiday comes in the springtime when nature so mercifully replaces the old with the new. The season brings forth endless shades of green in the trees and fresh fields painted with brilliant wildflowers. Even neighborhood lawns and gardens come alive with vivid color. The energy of spring is almost tangible. It’s evident all around you, what was once cold and dead has become warm and vibrant with life! More than Colored Eggs For Christians, Easter is celebrated as the day that Jesus Christ overcame...
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